
Weather Bot

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Weather Bot


What is this bot?

Do you like to always be prepared for the day?

Do you HATE when it rains and you forgot your umbrella?

To solve problems like this, you must know the weather.

With the Weather Bot you get a detailed report of the weather in just 2 clicks.

It's never been easier than this! (and it is FREE)

Use it NOW here.

This bot provides hyper-detailed weather reports for cities of your choice.

This bot can only handle 900 requests per day for all users. Please don't spam it.

Click here to give feedback for the bot and help us improve it.

Click here to report any issue with the performance of the bot.

If you enjoy using this bot, please consider donating here (in the right corner of the page) to maintain it functional.

How to use the bot

This bot is very easy to use.

You just need a telegram account and to click here.

It has 2 commands:

Command 1: /start

This will return a message with all the necessary links, which will guide you to:

  • understand how to use the bot;
  • support us with a donation;
  • give us feedback;
  • report issues regarding the performance of the bot;

Command 2. /weather <city-name>

You just have to write /weather and then the name of the city (typos may cause the bot to give the answer for another city, but you won't know which city)

After inputting this command, the bot will ask you if you want an hourly report or a daily report.

Based on your choice, you will get an hourly or a daily report.

The hourly report contains:

  • date;
  • hour;
  • Description of the weather;
  • temperature;
  • pressure;
  • humidity;
  • dew point;
  • UV index;
  • cloudiness;
  • visibility;
  • wind speed and direction;


"On 2024-08-03 at 0:00 local time, the weather is 'scattered clouds' with a temperature of 26.56°C (feels like 26.56°C). The pressure is 1007 hPa, humidity is 76%, and the dew point is 21.58°C. UV index is 0, cloudiness is 29%, and visibility is 10.0 km. Wind is blowing at 0.82 m/s from 243° with gusts up to 1.01 m/s."

That may be an overkill, but you take only what you need out of these.

The daily report contains:

  • date;
  • Description of the weather;
  • temperature (min temperature, max temperature);
  • evening + morning temperature
  • humidity;
  • dew point;
  • UV index;
  • cloudiness;
  • wind speed and direction;


"On 2024-08-04, the weather summary is 'Expect a day of partly cloudy with rain'. The weather is 'light rain' with daytime temperature of 27.02°C (feels like 27.63°C). The minimum temperature will be 15.06°C and the maximum temperature will be 27.93°C. Morning temperature is 16.25°C (feels like 16.36°C), evening temperature is 23.00°C (feels like 23.50°C), and night temperature is 17.36°C (feels like 17.53°C). The pressure is 1014 hPa, humidity is 53%, and the dew point is 15.05°C. UV index is 3.43, cloudiness is 63%. Wind is blowing at 1.04 m/s from 156° with gusts up to 1.83 m/s."

For any difficulties in using the bot, please write us here and describe the issue.

Be prepared for any day by knowing the weather with the weather bot!

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